Using AI: Language Learning Renewed – Part 2

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is conquering every field, from customer service to fashion. Likewise, the changes brought on by AI for language learning have been many. With irrefutable advantages, this technology has influenced every part of the learning process.

Yet, many still have doubts about using AI-powered apps. Concerns related to user privacy and lack of human interaction are common. Besides, it is challenging for users to find a balance between following traditional methods and including new tools.

Explore part 2 of a series on the impact and opportunities AI-powered language learning tools bring. Understand how to use these apps and online platforms to acquire a second language. Additionally, discover the AI tools and apps available for individual learners like you.

The Growing Importance of Technology in Language Learning

Technological development in the last few decades has deeply impacted language education standards. Many public schools maintain the traditional teaching methods. Despite that, most adults who learn a new language can now benefit from AI tools.

Sometimes, the use of AI technologies is subtle, almost unnoticeable. In other cases, you might find yourself interacting directly with a chatbot through a spoken or written conversation.

Most language learners use technology and web-based platforms to study
Most language learners use technology and web-based platforms to study

Indeed, most students now can’t imagine a world where language learning does not involve technology. Many wonder: “How did people learn languages without the Internet?” The official birth of the Internet was in 1983. Today, about 40 years later, organizations worldwide keep launching and improving web-based tools.

Yet, what about artificial intelligence specifically? Look deeper into how platforms apply AI algorithms and how they affect your learning experiences.

Are you looking for a technological solution to help you learn your target language? Come and explore The Journey! This gamified experience includes science-based features to boost your conversational skills naturally.

How do Language-learning Apps And Tools Employ AI?

Language learning apps are already using AI to improve your experience
Language learning apps are already using AI to improve your experience

AI-powered platforms receive training through machine learning algorithms. This method allows them to learn according to data patterns drawn from analyzing statistical examples. Then, AI chatbots and writing bots can imitate human language using Natural Language Processing (NLP).

These artificial intelligence tools use speech recognition technology. This way, they can convert human speech into text. Likewise, as a subset of machine learning, NLP algorithms improve human interaction with chatbots. It allows computers to understand and analyze human language, delivering a smooth user experience.

This way, a single language-learning chatbot can teach various languages, imitating native speakers. It can also adapt to individual learners, track the learner’s progress, and act as a language tutor.

Use AI to Improve Your Language-learning Process

AI technology can help you learn languages faster and better while keeping you motivated. Here are some of the things you can use them for.

Adapt to Different Learning Styles

The learning process is never linear. Language learners have different ways of processing information. Some prefer complete immersion for short periods. Others focus on acquiring specific vocabulary. Depending on your plan, learning stage, and goals, you might even combine several learning styles.

Besides differences in individual learning styles, studying methods should also adapt to the learner’s proficiency level. AI algorithms enable you to make these adjustments automatically. Instead of having to assess your growth, you can use language tools to do it and easily program your next steps.

Language learning apps are already using AI to improve your experience
AI allows you to practice conversations in your target language

Practice Conversations

As you have seen, an AI chatbot can generate human language, imitating native speakers of various languages. You can use this ability to improve your language skills and practice speaking.

You can record and upload your voice or speak directly to the model from your device. It then answers you in the foreign language you are learning. A chatbot can also provide real-time feedback on your performance to help you correct your mistakes. 

This revolutionary way of teaching users allows for shorter and more effective lessons. Students even produce better results than traditional methods.

Get Real-time Feedback

Providing instant feedback is one of the most significant advantages of matching AI and language learning. In regular schools, assessments and evaluations require previous preparation. Afterward, students must wait considerable periods for the results to come out.

In addition to the time wasted, there is also a psychological factor to consider. Exams usually make people nervous, which leads to underperformance and frustration.

With language-learning tools, all those problems disappear. Most people show less stress when interacting with a robot than a real person. This feature also allows you to approach specific target areas. For example, you can correct grammar mistakes, practice listening, or enhance pronunciation skills.

Benefit From Personalized Learning Experiences

Most AI language learning technologies enable a high level of customizing. The chatbot adapts as it learns from the learner’s strengths and weaknesses and analyses their user behavior. Thus, it can provide more personalized learning experiences.

A human teacher usually follows preset teaching methods. Despite adjusting to the student’s needs and goals, they have a program to follow. Contrarily, AI’s training encompasses massive amounts of information. This advantage allows it to change its approach according to your needs. 

Immerse Yourself Through Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Immersion is the best technique to learn a new language, whether for children or adults. This approach combines listening, speaking, and writing exposure and practice. Through it, you gain a deeper cultural understanding and improve your language skills faster than any other study method.

AR and VR help make language learning more interactive and immersive
AR and VR help make language learning more interactive and immersive

AI-powered language learning brings unique opportunities when it comes to immersion. Augmented reality (AR) adds virtual elements to the real world through a device such as a smartphone. You can easily control your presence and movements. Still, you get a unique and accessible experience that merges technology with your everyday life.

Contrarily, virtual reality (VR) transports you to a virtual world. It can reproduce different environments, places, and eras or carry you to a fictional location. Bridging the two, you can even use mixed reality (MR) in which physical objects and virtual elements can interact.

These techniques continue to develop and change language education. They engage learners and allow for all the benefits of learning languages in countries where they are spoken.

Do you want to learn a new language through immersion? Discover The Journey! It is a European Portuguese course based on an original feature film. It has real-life conversations, accents, and practical vocabulary. Start your 7-day free trial of this language-learning experience that helps you reach fluency.

Learn European Portuguese the Instinctive Way!

For the last decade, we’ve been working on putting together the best possible European Portuguese course. After much research, feedback from our students, and several iterations, we think we’ve got it! 😉

At the base of it all is a sound conviction that languages are better learned instinctively, so the process needs to engaging, varied, and enjoyable. Throughout, we used scientifically proven techniques to help you master pronunciation, phrase construction, oral understanding, grammar, and all the necessary bits to get you to fluency. And still, the whole thing is presented as an adventure. It’s a course like no other, trust us!

Enjoy an Engaging and Gamified Learning Experience

Gamification helps you build the habit of learning a new language
Gamification helps you build the habit of learning a new language

Traditional methods focus on memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules. They put much emphasis on theory and little on practice and fun. Contrarily, AI’s focus is engagement. Through gamified experiences, it helps you build the habit of learning a new language with barely any effort. 

For example, The Journey has systems to reward you when you log into your account and to celebrate your milestones. You can earn on-site currency, badges, and access to exclusive content.

Other benefits of AI that boost engagement are interactiveness and flexibility. Features that respond to your actions add a fun feel while guiding you through a unique learning process. Besides, you can use the most convenient device to study wherever and whenever.

AI Tools and Apps Available For Language Learners

AI-powered language learning apps are here to stay. Now, you understand how platforms use this technology and how you can employ it to improve your learning process. Explore some of the AI-powered language apps, online platforms, and mobile apps you can use.

4 Platforms Using AI to Improve Your Language-learning Experience

Despite its limitations, many companies have already adapted AI to improve their apps and platforms. For example:


Memrise is a widely-known platform that uses AI to improve its user experience. In December 2022, it introduced Membot, a virtual language partner. Since then, it also launched the Memrise Discord App in June 2023, an AI tool to strengthen their learning community. 

At Portuguese With Carla, we often use Memrise to provide you with extra learning content. You can find free lessons about different themes that we created to complement our YouTube videos. With them, you expand your vocabulary, learn grammar, and practice European Portuguese while having fun.


Duolingo is a popular language-learning app that has been using AI for years. These tools help personalize lessons and adjust the learning pace and level. In June 2023, the team shared how they trained an AI language model to create lessons faster.

Also earlier, in March 2023, Duolingo announced a new available subscription: Duolingo Max. Users with this membership have access to GPT-4, the latest model by OpenAI. 

Language learning apps are already using AI to improve your experience
Language learning apps are already using AI to improve your experience


Mondly is a well-rated language app featuring an AI conversation partner named Luna. This bot answers students based on context, words, and speaker intent. This platform also delivers virtual language tutors paired with augmented reality to teach its users. 

Rosetta Stone 

Rosetta Stone is an award-winning language-learning platform. It uses AI to provide more personalized experiences. AI algorithms analyze user data to understand which areas users need to improve the most. Then, they deliver tailored content and feedback. 

Wrapping up on Using AI To Enhance Your Language Skills

AI is here to stay in all areas of business and life, including language learning. The techniques used to train chatbots keep improving, and new models have impressive capabilities. Now is the time to learn and adapt.

You can acquire foreign languages faster by understanding how to use AI technology to improve your learning process. These tools not only enhance your experience, but they also boost your progress.

How do you feel about using AI-powered language learning tools? Have you tried learning a new language with AI? Share your thoughts and experiences with us in the comments below!

The Future of AI: Language Learning as We’ve Never Seen It

The things humans do today through AI-powered platforms were inconceivable some twenty or fifteen years ago. Today, the markets keep growing, and the signs of progress keep reaching most of us. Thus, many ask what they can expect in the upcoming times.

What are the future trends of AI in language education? Will this technology eventually make language learning obsolete? And how can we be at the forefront of these innovations?

Next week, join us as we explore the answers to these and other crucial questions. Don’t miss part 3 of this series on the impact of artificial intelligence in language learning!

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