The Taste of Summer in Portugal: Traditional Food You Must Try
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The Taste of Summer in Portugal: Traditional Food You Must Try

One of the best parts about visiting Portugal is getting to taste traditional Portuguese dishes. They are delicious, from the peculiar Arroz de Pato (Duck rice) to the rich Mariscada, a Portuguese seafood stew. And, of course, there is no forgetting the famous Pastel de nata (Custard tart). In Portugal, traditional food is a serious…

99 Essential European Portuguese Phrases and Expressions for This Summer
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99 Essential European Portuguese Phrases and Expressions for This Summer

There are many reasons you should learn Portuguese. One of them, with the most immediate benefits, is the possibility of traveling to Portugal and using it in a real-life context. The country is especially known as a summer destination, with stunning beaches and warm sunny days. Thus, after programming your trip and deciding what you…

Your Portuguese Writer Calendar – Improving Your Portuguese Reading (Part 2)
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Your Portuguese Writer Calendar – Improving Your Portuguese Reading (Part 2)

Do you want to dive into Portuguese literature but do not know where to start? Look no further because here is your ultimate introduction to some of the finest national authors. You will uncover their works and understand essential aspects of their lives. The impact men and women had and still have extends far beyond…

Reasons Why to Learn Portuguese, When Most Portuguese Speak English
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Reasons Why to Learn Portuguese, When Most Portuguese Speak English

Have you ever visited Portugal without understanding Portuguese? If you have, you might be one of many tourists surprised by the amount of Portuguese who speak fluent English. Wherever you go in big cities and coastal areas, you will find English speakers eager to help.  Most native Portuguese speakers know at least two languages. They…

How to Improve Your European Portuguese Vocabulary Quickly and Effectively
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How to Improve Your European Portuguese Vocabulary Quickly and Effectively

Sooner or later, most language learners wonder how they can improve their vocabulary. For example, a quick search for “Portuguese vocabulary” brings you dozens of results for word lists with their English translations.  But does reading word lists over and over again really help you memorize new words? Isn’t there a better, faster way to…

An Introduction to Portuguese – Answering 10 FAQs

An Introduction to Portuguese – Answering 10 FAQs

Are you curious to know more about Portuguese? Have you questions you want to see answered? Look no further because here is your introductory guide to Portuguese. In this post, you will discover the answers to 10 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Portuguese language: Explore Portuguese and look into what makes it such a…

10+ Weird Superstitions in Portugal You Will Not Believe Exist

10+ Weird Superstitions in Portugal You Will Not Believe Exist

Portugal is a country with over 800 years of rich history. Thus, it also has many superstitions and folk beliefs that lead some to irrational fear or strange behaviors. Interestingly, these beliefs are common among people of all ages. As tradition, they are handed down from generation to generation. You might have heard of strange…

Discover The Portuguese Yes: 10 Alternatives to Sim
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Discover The Portuguese Yes: 10 Alternatives to Sim

Sim, Não, Talvez, Por favor, and Obrigado or Obrigada. These are the first words most students acquire when they start learning Portuguese. Yet, sooner or later, they need to search for different expressions. After all, how long can you keep a conversation if you answer only with yes, no, or maybe? In this blog post, you will explore ten different ways…

10+ Fun Ways to Learn a Language
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10+ Fun Ways to Learn a Language

Most people associate language learning with sitting still. Studying silently and memorizing grammar rules are standard practices for most teachers. And for some learners, those methods are effective. But they are boring, and you might struggle to stay motivated and focused. What if there was a different and funnier way to learn? What if you…