New Year, New Life: Language Learning Steps to Fluent European Portuguese
European Portuguese is a rapidly growing language worldwide. Thus, learning it is a great idea and a process that can improve your self-esteem and give you insight into different cultures.
Portuguese natives say: Ano novo, vida nova. (New year, new life.) referring to the motivation New Year resolutions can bring. 2024 is here, and now is the time to start working toward reaching your fluency goals. The earlier you start learning, the more likely you are to achieve success.
The Computer Systems Institute divides the language-learning process into five stages. However, learning a second language is a complex task. You can quickly feel overwhelmed, not knowing when and where to start. You will face challenges that leave you frustrated over wasted time and money.
So, what steps must you take to reach your ideal language level? Which language skills should you focus on?
Read on to discover what learning a language requires and what steps you must take to be successful. Finally, explore our interactive language course, The Journey. It helps you learn European Portuguese effortlessly while having fun.
10 Steps For Effective Second Language Acquisition
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How should you learn a new language?
In truth, only you can provide a complete answer to this question. Because humans are different from each other, they also have preferred studying methods. Thus, there are many learning styles you can choose from, and regardless of the one you pick, you will likely need to make adjustments along the way.
Still, some parts of the process are fundamental when learning a new language, and skipping them might hurt your progress. Here are ten steps you must take if you want to learn a new language:
Setup Goals
Defining specific language learning goals is essential for you to make progress. Since a language learning journey can take a few months or many years, setting a plan is critical. It guides the process and helps you structure a solid study program.
Use the SMART technique to establish clear objectives that motivate you to continue learning. Then, create a program that allows you to feel accountable for your growth but not pressured to the point of losing enthusiasm.
Start With The Basics
Don’t jump straight into technical discussions about scientific or political themes. First, you must know simple greetings and basic sentences. You can start by learning the alphabet, which will also introduce you to pronunciation in your target language.
Would you like to learn how to pronounce the alphabet in Portuguese? Watch our video: Alphabet & Sounds of European Portuguese.
Demanding too much from yourself is counterproductive because it will leave you discouraged. Instead, you can focus on enjoying the process. Try making as many connections between your native and target languages as possible.
Get a Vocabulary Notebook

All language learners need a notebook to register new vocabulary words and basic sentences. You can use various techniques, like connecting terms in both languages to their common root word or using drawings. Regardless, writing allows you to visualize new words and memorize them faster.
You can even carry a smaller notebook with common words and expressions applied in basic conversations. Every time you learn a new word, write it down. Then, use it in real-life conversation as quickly as you can.
Adapt Your Media Consumption
The world is getting more technological by the minute, and you can use that to your advantage while learning a foreign language. When you see your media consumption as an exposure channel, you will notice the free online resources are endless.
You can watch movies and YouTube videos in your new language with English subtitles. Doing so will help you learn vocabulary and conversational phrases. You will speak more naturally and confidently by listening, watching, and reading. For example, follow our YouTube channel, where we post about the European Portuguese language and culture.
Adjusting your preferred media content is one of the best ways to expose yourself to your target language. It allows you to step into the minds of those whose native tongue you are learning.
Write a Journal
Journaling is in fashion right now for a reason. It helps you structure your thoughts and process information without overloading your brain. Because studying a foreign language can be exhausting, using a Journal is a fantastic method you can use from the moment you start learning.
Try defining your program every morning without using your native language, or describe how your day went every night. Use simple phrases and correct the writing, giving special attention to the grammar. You might make many mistakes in the beginning. But with time and consistency, you will see progress.
Give Translation a Chance
Your native language is part of you. It influences the way you think and interact with others. Translating to your target language establishes connections between the tongues.
This strategy helps you start to think in your new language. It also shows you the gaps you must fill and allows you to learn more words. You can translate anything, from an article in a magazine you like to famous quotes and even your favorite book.
It is a fantastic strategy often used by polyglots – people who acquire many languages. They must retain lots of information ready to use and maintain the capability to reason in foreign tongues.
You can’t learn a new language without practicing it. Language practice can mean taking language classes with a tutor, whether online or in person. English speakers have the most online courses to help them learn a language. Another way to practice is by finding a language partner.
Either way, the ultimate goal when you learn a new language is interacting with native speakers. Yes, you will feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. And you will make many mistakes. But all of that is temporary. Soon, you will start speaking more words than you ever thought possible. With time, you will become capable of communicating in a foreign language and building new friendships.
The Three S’s: Speak, Sing, and Share
Speak From Day 1
Speaking is fundamental for fluency. After all, the goal of learning a new language is to apply it in real life for effective communication. Thus, talk as much as you can. Take every opportunity to interact with any native speaker or fellow learner.
Sing Along to New Tunes
Who doesn’t love finding a new favorite song? If you want to learn a language, start exploring artists and playlists. It will broaden your cultural horizons. Besides, it’s a special feeling when you can understand and sing along to the tunes you like in your target language.
Music is a unique way to learn a language, get more vocabulary, and explore its original culture. Singers use colloquial expressions and speak at a fast-paced rhythm. When you sing along to their tunes, you focus on comprehensible input, which boosts your progress.
Share Your Journey
Share your language-learning goals with others. Broadcast them on social media or tell your friends and family members you are learning a new language. There is nothing like using your social image to keep yourself accountable for your growth.
Another way to share the process is by finding a study partner. You will be in the same situation and can always resort to each other without embarrassment. This way, it will be easier for you to find the motivation to continue when there are difficulties.
Make Learning Fun
Fun activities are memorable. So, when you search for ways to make the language learning process entertaining, you will grow your results. The time spent studying will also diminish, making you a more productive student.
You can play games to practice grammar and vocabulary. For example, flashcards are an engaging and scientifically proven way to improve memorization. They help you visualize the meaning of individual words.
If you have a language buddy, you can arrange activities that fit your preferences. This way, you get to practice speaking or engage with native speakers with the support of someone who is also in their learning stage.
Search For Native Speakers
No matter where you live, chances are there will be native speakers of your target language near you. Sometimes, you must know where to find them and how to search for their communities.
Learning a language with the help of native speakers will not only introduce you to new words. It will refine the way you speak, from your vocabulary to your accent. It will also help you interiorize grammar rules so you don’t have to memorize them.
For example, if you are learning Spanish, the 4th most spoken language in the world, you might not have to search much. On the other hand, if you want to learn Portuguese, the 8th most spoken language, you will have to dig a little deeper.
The Journey – An Interactive Program For European Portuguese Language Learners
Learning a language can often feel like an overcomplex task. You might lack the motivation or question yourself, your motivations, and your capabilities. But there is no need to overthink it. If you want to learn European Portuguese, we’ve got you.
Instead of tracking all of these language-learning steps, you can opt for an all-in-one solution – The Journey. It is an interactive program focused on helping you learn Portuguese From Portugal the natural way.
The Journey Makes Language Learning Fun
The Journey is not your regular language course. It is one for the adventurers who will not let pass the opportunity to explore a little further. It opens a world of possibilities, introducing you to the Portuguese people and their culture.
This gamified experience delivers the appeal you always wished studying had and none of the boredom it usually brings. You will have videos, activities, and flashcards. You will gain badges and tokens, get suggestions for exposure, and access to live practice sessions with native speakers.
The Journey is an online adventure that takes you on a one-to-one with European Portuguese. But what makes it different from other language-learning programs out there?
The Difference to Other Foreign Language Courses
There are many types of language courses available. You can use flashcard-based apps, buy an online program, or get a private tutor. The Journey differs from all these approaches, focusing on you and your learning experience. It emphasizes:
Science-based Methods
The Journey is a program built to suit how you think and feel. It acknowledges the contrasts between a child and an adult mind during language acquisition. The methods incorporated in this engaging course will give you the feeling of playing a game while you learn a language.
You will find consolidation features, targeted tasks, and diverse learning techniques. Combining these methods fosters a proactive approach. This way, you will stay motivated to continue studying Portuguese with barely any effort.
A Clear Learning Path
No two journeys are the same, as no two people are the same. But we understand that you need to focus on developing your language skills and not waste time deciding what to learn next. Thus, The Journey follows a clear storyline, so you never feel overwhelmed or alone in your path to fluency.
At the same time, it enables you to personalize your experience. You can move at the best pace for your progress and request task corrections to know where you need to improve. There are even live practice sessions with Portuguese native speakers!
Real-Life Situations
Instead of made-up scenarios you wouldn’t find when in Portugal, The Journey has real-life situations and dialogues. You will connect with the different Portuguese accents and get a feel of what it’s like to visit the country. In turn, this experience will help you interact with the Portuguese people and understand their culture.
With The Journey, you decide how and when you want to pay. You can choose a monthly subscription and pay as you go. It is a hassle-free solution at an exceptional value.
From a different perspective, you can pay for the first year in full, earning yourself a huge discount. After a year, the discounted value transforms into a monthly subscription. There are no surprise fees and no worries. This way, you can focus on learning European Portuguese.
The Pre-Journey: An Introduction to Your Target Language
One of the aspects we are most proud of is The Pre-Journey. Before starting your Portuguese adventure, you can get a prelude to the language. This part is also where you will begin building a solid knowledge foundation.
As you saw with language-learning step 2, this section of our program focuses on the basics. It is a no-pressure introduction to European Portuguese and our teaching methods.
The Journey’s approach is widely different from other language courses. Hence, these first units will also help you familiarize yourself with a new learning structure. This way, you can decide to continue discovering the Portuguese language with us while enjoying your 7-day free trial.
The Journey App
To complement the course, we’ve developed an exclusive app for members of The Journey. Through it, you can access your progress so far and continue playing wherever and whenever you want.
The app is available in beta for Android and iOS devices. As a member, it will bring you added support and give you the opportunity to help other learners. You can provide us with honest feedback regarding your experience with our app so we can continue improving it.
Join The Journey Today!
The Journey is a risk-free, entertaining, and effective program you don’t want to miss. Why wait longer? Enjoy your week-long free trial so you can decide on the right choice to help you reach your language-learning goals.
Learn European Portuguese the Instinctive Way!
For the last decade, we’ve been working on putting together the best possible European Portuguese course. After much research, feedback from our students, and several iterations, we think we’ve got it! 😉
At the base of it all is a sound conviction that languages are better learned instinctively, so the process needs to be engaging, varied, and enjoyable. Throughout, we used scientifically proven techniques to help you master pronunciation, phrase construction, oral understanding, grammar, and all the necessary bits to get you to fluency. And still, the whole thing is presented as an adventure. It’s a course like no other. Click the button below to see for yourself!
Hundreds of people have benefited from this unique course and are now fluent European Portuguese speakers. These learners were once in your shoes but have achieved their objectives and improved their realities. You can be one of them too!
Final Thoughts on Language-Learning Steps You Must Take
Learning a language is within anyone’s reach. Doing so can help you build your sense of self-esteem and establish new personal and professional relationships. But you must know where and how to approach your new language to be successful and avoid becoming demotivated.
Realizing which language-learning steps you can take to ensure progress helps you guide your plan to fluency. At the same time, so does using the right tools and being consistent. Whether or not you subscribe to The Journey, our purpose is to support everyone in reaching their European Portuguese goals.
Use our free resources, from our Blog to our Podcast, and follow our social media channels on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. This way, you will get the curated content you need to learn our beautiful language.