Lesson 10 – Portuguese With Carla Podcast

Mama Sabala makes another appearance in the lesson this week. For podcast 10 of the Portuguese With Carla course, we delve into some colloquial expressions you can use to impress the natives.

Make sure to take advantage of the flashcard exercises and the audio quiz below.


PS: We used to include an exercise on this page, but it turned out to bit a little too difficult for most folks at this early stage of their learning journey, so we got rid of it for the time being. 😉

Portuguese Transcript

E – Então, estava tudo bom?

M – Tudo nos trinques, obrigado!

E – Vão desejar café?

C – Sim, dois. Um cheio.

M – E assim que puder traga também a continha se faz favor.

E – Sim sim, trago já.


E – Ora aqui tem os cafezinhos. O cheio é para senhora não é?

E aqui tem a continha.

M – Chiça!

C – O que é que foi, enganaram-se?

M – não…mas cobraram-nos por meia dúzia de azeitonas e duas fatias de pão!

C – Vá, tu não sejas mão de vaca, a senhora foi tão simpática! E não te esqueças de dar gorjeta.

M – Olha, deixo aqui 20 cêntimos a mais e já vai com sorte!

C – Tu não me envergonhes. Mete aí esta moeda de dois euros.

M – 2 euros!?!?

C – Vá!!

Can you recall?

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  1. Olá Carla, Marlon! Thank you for yet another great episode. Shorter too this time, which helps tremendously with my chronic laziness, lol. Great guest too, I could actually understand Dona Ida perfectly. Well, I understood almost everything, and the bit I didn’t it wasn’t her fault obviously. The takeaways were priceless (the expression with the vaca for being stingy will come very useful, I’m sure – also, in case you might be interested for very scientific purposes, in Italian we say that a person has “short arms” when they are being tight with their budget). I think I failed the audio quiz miserably though, still need to work on that a lot. Anyhoo, this is brilliant (or “lovely”, as Carla would say), muito obrigato!

    1. “Short harms”…that’s good! 🙂

      We realise the audio quizzes are really hard, but that’s unfortunately the speed at which portuguese folks speak. Keep at it 🙂

      Thanks again for your comment. They are a motivating force!

  2. Hi, thanks for another great podcast! I’m working through them one by one. Can I check, is the audio quiz the one that has been deleted? I find that the link to the “Spell” quiz in each case is dead. I would love to do these? Is there any other place to still find and do these audios? They sound fantastic!

    1. Hey Annie,

      Sorry, yeah, we got rid of those. As explained above, we used to include an exercise on this page, but it turned out to bit a little too difficult for most folks at this early stage of their learning journey, so we got rid of it for the time being. 😉

      We might bring them back at some point, but our focus mostly is now on The Journey program where the quality if the exercises is much higher than what it was here.

      But don’t worry, we will continue to put out free content for everyone.

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