
Lesson 22 – Portuguese With Carla Podcast

In the 22nd Portuguese With Carla Podcast, me and the husband introduce a few numbers to your European Portuguese vocabulary. Add one or two idiomatic expressions, a little formal speech to use in a shop and you have enough to keep anyone entertained for half an hour or so.



M – Eu não sei qual é o preço daquilo, mas tenta não gastar mais de €20.

C – Sim, está bem. Mas sabes que o barato sai caro…

C – “Loja Ortopédica Madeira”, é mesmo esta!

E – Bom dia! Faça favor.

C – Bom dia. Precisava de umas muletas para o meu marido. Umas muletas confortáveis mas não muito dispendiosas.

E – Muito bem. Portanto, temos dois tipos: axilares, para debaixo do braço, está a ver? E as de antebraço ou mais conhecidas como canadianas. Qual é que prefere?

C – hmm, as canadianas parecem-me mais confortáveis.

E – Sim, concordo. Então temos dois modelos, estas a €32.50 de carbono e as de alumínio a um preço mais acessível, ficam a…€19.90 o par.

C – São mesmo essas, servem perfeitamente. Aceitam cartão visa?

E – Com certeza. E deseja mais alguma coisa?

C – Não, é tudo.

E – Certo, então são €19.90 por favor.

Can you recall?

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  1. “Precisava de umas muletas” matches the English construction “I was just after some crutches.” It’s certainly idiomatic, but I can’t comment as to ts grammatical accuracy, I had never noticed it before. I suppose there’s a slight sense of “I came into the shop looking for crutches and didn’t find them, would you please help me?” It is a response really to “why did you come into the shop?” rather than “what are you currently looking for?”

  2. Obrigada, Carla e Marlon! Daqui vos saúdo!
    Estou ansiosa pra ouvir o prossimo podcast…
    Até logo…

    8 Junho, 2022

  3. Dear Carla and Marlon,

    Thank you so much for all the time, energy and enthusiasm you put into these lessons. I am enjoying them very much.

    Both of my grandparents immigrated from Portugal to California, but both of them died by the time I was three years old, so I did not have the priviledge to learn Portuguese from them. My mother was the youngest of seven and she was only taught some swear words in Portuguese. I am hoping to visit Portugal for the first time in the next few years and I surmise it will take me that long to feel comfortable speaking basic European Portuguese.

    I sincerely thank you for the lessons that will help me class up my Portuguese language knowledge beyond the swear words I learned from my mother.

    Wishing you all the best,

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