Lesson 9 – Portuguese With Carla Podcast
Podcast 9 is out! And this time we find ourselves at a restaurant.
Once again, we have a special guest in this episode. Only this time with a touch of an Angolan accent! We recommend you listen to the end and enjoy the extras as well as making the most of the exercises below.
PS: We used to include an exercise on this page, but it turned out to bit a little too difficult for most folks at this early stage of their learning journey, so we got rid of it for the time being. 😉
Portuguese Transcript
E – Olá boa noite! É mesa para (pra) dois?
C – Boa noite, por favor.
E – E vocês têm preferência? Querem aquela ao lado da janela ou mais ali perto do bar?
C – Que é que achas?
M – Ali perto do bar deve estar muito barulho…
C – mas perto da janela é capaz de estar frio.
M – Não está (tá) nada, estamos na madeira. Aqui a temperatura é sempre agradável!
C – Pronto, então pode ser a mesa perto da janela, obrigada.
E – Ok sem problema. Então podem sentar-se e eu já vos trago a ementa. Está (tá) bem?
M – Obrigado.
C – Gostei! O ambiente, a decoração, a música de fundo… sim senhor!
E – E para (pra) beber, já decidiram?
C – Pra mim pode ser uma água mineral.
E – Fresca ou natural?
C – Natural, por favor.
M – E pra mim, uma brisa de maracujá.
E – Ok, eu peço desculpa, mas de maracujá já não temos. Só de maçã ou de laranja. Ou então, se preferir, uma laranjada?
M – Então vamos para a (prá) laranjada.
E – E gelo, quer?
M – sim Por favor.
C – E qual é o prato do dia?
E – Olha, temos espetadas madeirenses; temos também sopa de trigo.
M – E peixe, tem alguma coisa?
E – Sim, bife de atum.
M – Hmm, parece-me bem. E o que é que vem a acompanhar?
E – Batata doce e milho frito.
M – Ok, pode ser.
E – Com certeza. E para a (prá) senhora?
C – Eu vou querer a espetada madeirense se faz favor.
E – E quer uma saladinha para acompanhar?
C – Sim, por favor!
E – Então eu já vos trago as bebidas. Com licença.
Dear Carla, Marlon, I finally managed to listen to the VERY long episode 8 that I had been putting off for so long! It was totally worth the wait, I must admit, and not at all dragging as I might have feared given the run-time. A gazillion takeaways as per usual and very good acting by the guest speaker, is she a empregada de mesa in real life? Very convincing performances all around, anyway, and with background ambient frills too. I am impressed. Obrigado para todos os peixes, I guess 🙂
Make that episode 9, lol.
Prato do dia can be Chefs Special or more closely to the literal translation Dish of the Day.
And thanks for the podcasts, I will be getting in touch well before my next visit to Portugal in the hope you can give me some lessons. BTW I love the fact that its really Portuguese with the Sabalas 😉
Hey Mark,
thanks for your input and the nice words 🙂
Hi Carla and Marlon, firstly I would just like to say I really enjoy your podcasts and could listen to you both over and over! I’m very much a beginner with Portuguese but I just have a question if you dont mind? I have been reading about voce/voces and I’m worried about using it in case someone is offended for not being formal enough! Am I wrong to be thinking this way? Any advice would be great! Thanks
Hey Tom,
thanks very much for your comment. Really appreciate it!
Regarding “você”. No, you’re not in thinking that. European Portuguese is going through a transition on these pronouns and even a native can get into trouble. Some folks thinks it’s too informal, and for other it’s ok.
If you’re not sure how to address someone, and want to play it safe, just take the pronoun out of the sentence and lead with the verb.
For example, instead of:
Você gostou do filme?
you could simply say
Gostou do filme?
That’s the solution most Portuguese people employ when unsure. It happens a lot to me 🙂
Thanks for clearing that up Marlon! That makes sense 🙂
Best wishes
Love this… my ear is getting better, as I’m understanding a lot more. Muito Obrigada!!
Gato Fedorento sketch reminded me of Monty Python and John Cleese even if they had nothing in common with atun 🙂
Muito obrigada, Marlon e Carla! Vocês dois são uma par ideal para ensinar o português. Os postcast são ótimos!👍😊
Thanks so much, I really appreciate all that hard work. You guys are great, very creative and the podcasts are amazing.