10 Ways to Say Thank You in Portuguese

Learn 10 different ways to say “thank you” in European Portuguese!

In this video, Carla teaches you 10 different ways to say “thank you” in European Portuguese for formal and informal situations. Learn useful expressions that go beyond “obrigado” (masculine) and “obrigada” (feminine).
Instead, explore other phrases to express gratitude in everyday conversations. Perfect for anyone looking to improve their Portuguese language skills!

Extra content 💯
– The Portuguese With Carla Blog: https://portuguesewithcarla.com/blog/

– The Meaning of Obrigado – Saying Thank You in Portuguese: https://portuguesewithcarla.com/meaning-of-obrigado-thank-you-in-portuguese/

– How to say thank you in Portuguese – Obrigado or Obrigada? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12Z6941s1vY

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For the last decade, we’ve been working on putting together the best possible European Portuguese course. After much research, feedback from our students, and a number of iterations, we think we’ve got it! 😉

As a base, we used scientifically proven techniques to help with master pronunciation, phrase construction, oral understanding, grammar, and all the necessary bits to get you to fluency. At the same time, having learned foreign languages ourselves, we know the process needs to be engaging, varied, and enjoyable. The whole thing is presented as an adventure. It’s a course like no other, trust us!

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    1. I would suggest that to start with you use the YouTube settings to slow it down a little and then listen to it again at the normal speed. But it’s important you get used to understanding a more normal pace of speaking from the native Portuguese speakers. In this video I speak quite slowly actually 😅 if I was to speak slower all the time and you were able to follow comfortably this would give you a false sense of accomplishment which likely leads to frustration when having to deal with real life situations in Portugal.

    1. @@jayke00 Your entitlement is showing. And, you’re just interested in complaining. Perhaps you should just stick to English. Like, the difference between to and too. Adeus.

    2. @@jayke00Im sorry you feel this way. But in this video I did actually speak slower than most Portuguese speakers naturally do. It is true I’m instructing, and I understand why you think i should slow down even more so. But this speed is also part of our approach to teaching Portuguese – which we believe delivers better results with greater sense of accomplishment by the learners. When we slow down too much we enunciate every single syllable in a way we don’t normally do. This would possibly result in students feeling frustrated when experiencing real life situations and not understanding the natives. By speaking at a fairly normal to a slightly slower speed I allow myself to speak naturally. If you use the youtube settings to slow it down you’ll hear the natural speech in a slower way. Once you’re comfortable with that listen to it again at the normal pace and perhaps even challenge yourself to listening to it at a quicker speed. I hope this helps ☺️

  1. I absolutely love this video! Don’t worry about the comments your talking at just the right pace for what the lesson is about!

    1. @@portuguesewithcarla as a native English speaker trying to learn Portuguese your content has been soooo helpful! Thank you Carla keep up the good work!

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