99 Essential European Portuguese Phrases and Expressions for This Summer
There are many reasons you should learn Portuguese. One of them, with the most immediate benefits, is the possibility of traveling to Portugal and using it in a real-life context. The country is especially known as a summer destination, with stunning beaches and warm sunny days.
Thus, after programming your trip and deciding what you want to visit, it is time to start learning Portuguese. Of course, you will not jump straight into the complex topics. Instead, the best approach is to begin incorporating the language into your everyday life. Then, focus on learning basic expressions and phrases.
In this post, you will get a detailed list of Portuguese phrases and expressions you will need for your next summer trip. These basic phrases and words will be super helpful in cities. But you will find them especially practical inland, where the locals might not speak English. Let’s get started!
Getting Started with The Portuguese Language
Want to step outside the basics? We have got you covered! Come discover The Journey – a unique language program that teaches European Portuguese while you have fun. You will explore both Island and Continental Portuguese landscapes, cultures, and people. Start your free trial today!

Visiting Portugal is an incredible opportunity to learn European Portuguese. It will help you stay motivated to continue learning. Additionally, it will give you fantastic opportunities to practice with native Portuguese speakers. Still, like with any other new language you might take on, you should start with the basics.
Learn The Basics of The Portuguese Language
Using Portuguese phrases shows respect for the local culture. It can help you get better deals, avoid tourist traps, and enhance your experience when you arrive in the country. Just remember to adapt the variant you learn to the Portuguese-speaking country you are visiting.
European Vs. Brazilian Portuguese Vs. Portuguese-speaking African Countries
If you want to learn Portuguese, focus on the variant spoken in the country you will visit. In spite of being very similar, the two main variants of the language are easily distinguishable. Besides, expressions commonly used in one country might not exist or be considered rude in another.
For example, Brazilian Portuguese uses the third person singular for most formal and informal situations. Contrarily, European Portuguese prefers the first person singular in casual contexts. Another difference between the variants is how they use the pronouns Tu and Você (You).
So, learn Português de Portugal (Portuguese from Portugal) if you are planning a visit to the Iberian country. Additionally, include native expressions in your studies if your destination is one of the Portuguese-speaking African countries. Contrarily, focus on Português do Brasil (Brazilian Portuguese) if you want to explore the South American nation.
99 Basic Portuguese Phrases and Expressions You Must Know
This article will focus on basic phrases you can use if you are learning Portuguese from Portugal. You can use these sentences wherever within the national territory. Natives will understand them whether you are visiting the islands, the coastal cities of the mainland, or the most interior regions.
Learn your first 20 words in European Portuguese in Basic Portuguese for complete beginners – your first lesson!
Here is your list of essential phrases and expressions to know before visiting Portugal. It includes the English translation, so you understand what each sentence means and when to apply it. Enjoy!
- Olá(Hello)
- Tudo bem?(Everything good?)
- Como está?or Como vai?(How are you doing?)
- Eu estou bem (I am okay)
- Bom dia(Good morning)
- Boa tarde(Good afternoon)
- Boa noite(Good night)
- Até logo(See you later)
Polite Terms and Expressions
- Desculpe(Pardon me, Sorry)
- Com licença(Excuse me)
- Por favor(Please)
- De nada(You’re welcome)
- Obrigado/Obrigada(Thank You (male/female speaker))
- Muito obrigado/Muito obrigada(Thank you very much)
- O meu nome é[name] (My name is [name])
- Como se chama?(What is your name?)
- Muito prazer em conhecê-lo/a(I’m pleased to meet you)
Learn all about the essential Portuguese phrases for introductions in Nice to Meet You in Portuguese: The Beginner’s Guide to Introductions.
Travel Essential Sentences For Practical Situations
Are you looking for a Portuguese course to guide you through your learning? Try our exclusive program – The Journey – for free! It will take you on an adventure through Portuguese lands and teach you the language used in real life by the natives. The interactive lessons will help you learn this beautiful language and become a fluent and confident speaker!
Learn European Portuguese the Instinctive Way!
For the last decade, we’ve been working on putting together the best possible European Portuguese course. After much research, feedback from our students, and several iterations, we think we’ve got it! 😉
At the base of it all is a sound conviction that languages are better learned instinctively, so the process needs to be engaging, varied, and enjoyable. Throughout, we used scientifically proven techniques to help you master pronunciation, phrase construction, oral understanding, grammar, and all the necessary bits to get you to fluency. And still, the whole thing is presented as an adventure. It’s a course like no other. Click the button below to see for yourself!
Knowing what to say when greeting people and introducing yourself is crucial. But you should learn Portuguese phrases for practical situations. Regardless of where you go, you might need to ask for information about local events or ask for directions. It will also be helpful to know how to make your order at a restaurant or a local coffee shop and how to pick accommodation.
Additionally, emergencies might arise in unexpected settings, so you must know how to ask about a doctor or the local pharmacy. Here are some of the most essential sentences for tourists in European Portuguese, organized into subtopics.

Directions and Transportation
- Onde fica a casa de banho?(Where is the bathroom?)
- Como chego ao centro da cidade?(How do I get to the city center?)
- Qual é o melhor caminho para o aeroporto?(What is the best way to the airport?)
- Onde fica a estação de comboios?(Where is the train station?)
- Quando é o próximo comboio?(When is the next train?)
- Onde é a saída?(Where is the exit?)
- Onde fica a paragem de autocarro mais próxima?(Where is the nearest bus stop?)
- A que horas é o próximo autocarro?(What time is the next bus?)
- Este autocarro vai para…?(Does this bus go to…?)
- Este autocarro vai para onde?(Where does this bus go?)
- Pode chamar um táxi, por favor?(Can you call a taxi, please?)
- Onde posso encontrar um táxi?(Where can I find a taxi?)
- Onde se apanha o metro?(Where do you catch the subway/metro?)
- Há algum supermercado por perto?(Is there a supermarket nearby?)
- É longe daqui?(Is it far from here?)
- Onde posso alugar um carro?(Where can I rent a car?)
- Ao lado(Next to)
- Perto(Close, near)
- Longe(Far)
- Lá(There)
- Aqui(Here)
- Esquerda(Left)
- Direita(Right)
- Saída(Exit)
- Em frente(Straight ahead)
Shopping and Payments
- Quanto custa isto?(How much does this cost?)
- Posso pagar com cartão?(Can I pay with a card?)
- Aceita cartão de crédito ou débito?(Do you accept credit or debit card?)
- Há algum desconto?(Is there any discount?)
- Onde é que eu posso trocar dinheiro perto daqui?(Where can I exchange money nearby?)
- Estou só a ver, obrigado/a. (I’m just looking, thank you.)
- Tem quartos disponíveis?(Do you have rooms available?)
- Qual é o preço por noite?(What is the price per night?)
- Posso ver o quarto antes?(Can I see the room first?)
- A que horas servem o pequeno-almoço?(What time do you serve breakfast?)
- Pode recomendar-me um hotel?(Can you recommend a hotel?)
Dining and Food
- Posso reservar uma mesa?(Can I book a table?)
- Eu tenho uma reserva(I have a reservation.)
- Tem um menu em inglês?(Do you have a menu in English?)
- Qual é o prato do dia?(What is the dish of the day?)
- Posso experimentar?(Can I try it?)
- Tem algo sem glúten?(Do you have anything gluten-free?)
- Pode recomendar um restaurante?(Can you recommend a restaurant?)
- Tem algo para vegetarianos?(Do you have anything for vegetarians?)
- Qual é a especialidade da casa?(What is the house specialty?)
- O que recomenda?(What do you recommend?)
- Queria uma garrafa de água fresca, por favor.(I would like a cold water bottle, please.)
- Queria pedir a conta, por favor.(I would like to ask for the bill, please.)

Food and Drink Vocabulary
- Água(Water)
- Carne(Meat)
- Peixe(Fish)
- Vinho(Wine)
- Pão(Bread)
- Chá(Tea)
- Café(Coffee)
- Pequeno-almoço(Breakfast)
- Almoço(Lunch)
- Jantar(Dinner)
Discover how to improve your European Portuguese vocabulary in no time! Read How to Improve Your European Portuguese Vocabulary Quickly and Effectively.
General Communication
- Pode ajudar-me, por favor?(Can you help me, please?)
- Preciso de uma informação, por favor.(I need some information, please.)
- Pode falar mais devagar, por favor?(Can you speak more slowly, please?)
- Como se diz isto em português?(How do you say this in Portuguese?)
- A senha do Wi-Fi, por favor.(The Wi-Fi password, please.)
- Fala inglês?(Do you speak English?)
- Desculpe, não falo português.(Sorry, I don’t speak Portuguese.)
- Não percebo.(I do not understand.)
- Pode repetir/dizer outra vez?(Can you repeat/say (that) again?)
Sightseeing and Activities
- Pode mostrar-me no mapa?(Can you show me on the map?)
- Onde posso comprar bilhetes?(Where can I buy tickets?)
- Há visitas guiadas disponíveis?(Are there guided tours available?)
- Há algum evento local hoje?(Is there any local event today?)
- Pode tirar-me uma foto, por favor?(Can you take a picture of me, please?)
- Onde posso encontrar informações turísticas?(Where can I find tourist information?)
Health and Safety
- Há um médico por perto?(Is there a doctor nearby?)
- Este lugar é seguro?(Is this place safe?)
- Pode ligar para o cento e doze(112)? (Can you call 911?)
- Há uma farmácia nesta zona?(Is there a pharmacy in this area?)
Other Sentences You Might Find Useful
- Quanto tempo demora a chegar lá?(How long does it take to get there?)
- Como se chama esta rua?(What is the name of this street?)
- Preciso de um adaptador de tomada. (I need a power adapter.)
- Qual é a previsão do tempo para hoje?(What is the weather forecast for today?)
- A que horas abre?(What time does it open?)
- A que horas fecha?(What time does it close?)
You can find more everyday sentences in 100 Common Expressions in European Portuguese.
Learn More Than European Portuguese Phrases!
Learning basic Portuguese phrases is the first step to acquiring a new language. You can take your knowledge to the next level by getting a bit more serious in your studies. You can listen to and practice mini-dialogues like those you find in our podcast. Watching native shows with subtitles in Portuguese will also help you improve your fluency and pronunciation.
Grow your Portuguese vocabulary beyond the most common words. Use listening and exposure activities to acquire an intuitive use of Portuguese grammar. Most importantly, find and create opportunities to practice speaking Portuguese with a native Portuguese speaker.
Ultimately, you will feel the need for guidance to dive into the more complex aspects of the language. If this is your next step, do not miss Beyond the Basics: Advanced Strategies for European Portuguese Learning. On the other hand, if you are just starting, explore Your First Words in Portuguese From Portugal. Plus, do not forget to share this list with your friend who is visiting Portugal with you this summer!