Days of the Week in Portuguese (Essential Prepositions and History)

In this video, I will teach you the days of the week in European Portuguese (Portuguese from Portugal), their pronunciation, and variations. We will also learn the essential prepositions that go along with the days of the week. Enjoy!

Pronouncing the letter “O” in European Portuguese:

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For the last decade, we’ve been working on putting together the best possible European Portuguese course. After much research, feedback from our students, and a number of iterations, we think we’ve got it! 😉

As a base, we used scientifically proven techniques to help with master pronunciation, phrase construction, oral understanding, grammar, and all the necessary bits to get you to fluency. At the same time, having learned foreign languages ourselves, we know the process needs to be engaging, varied, and enjoyable. The whole thing is presented as an adventure. It’s a course like no other, trust us!

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  1. Então, os portugueses admitem que descansarem seis dias por semana e depois queixam-se de que os outros dizem que serem preguiçosos?

    1. Já agora, se me permite, deixe-me dar-lhe uma dica: acho que o senhor está a colocar os verbos no modo conjuntivo por causa da palavra “que”, mas esta palavra não exige exclusivamente o uso deste modo.
      No seu comentário, as ações “admitem que descansam” e “outros dizem que são preguiçosos” são expressas como factuais, por isso deve usar o modo Indicativo.

    2. @Portuguese With Carla Querida Karla. Para nós, eslavos, o vosso conjuntivo é mais um pesadelo do que uma forma verbal. : (((

    3. @Kamenko Kasikovic 😅 mas não se preocupe. Até os próprios portugueses por vezes se confundem com o uso do conjuntivo! 😉

    4. @Kamenko Kasikovic Para nós, portugueses, aprender os casos das línguas eslavas é um verdadeiro pesadelo.
      O conjuntivo é uma forma verbal como outra qualquer. É só de corar as conjugações em todos os tempos verbais. Por vezes, o conjuntivo não é muito claro.
      Noutro dia um russo disse-me assim
      Porquê não usais o conjuntivo com o termo” Se calhar”, mas com a palavra talvez, sim?
      O conjuntivo é parecido com todas as línguas romances, mas há certas exceções. Em todas as línguas há frases feitas, exceções as regras.

  2. Muito Obrigado Carla! You’re channel is fantasic..i am actually sitting here in a nepalese restaurant in lisbons anjos neighborhood studying with you! I started watching your videos 1 or 2months ago in west africa. Now i am here in your country utilizing all that i have learned from you plus google translate

    1. Olá, Abdul! Muito obrigada ☺️ Great to hear you’re now in Portugal and able to put into practice what you’ve already learnt from us as well as learn a lot more Portuguese, because being in the country of the target language is the best scenario possible! Bons estudos 😊

  3. A partir de agora só trabalhamos os fins de semana.
    Chefe, hoje é segunda-feira, o que quer dizer” Segundo dia de descanso.
    Terça-feira- O meu chefe liga-me a dizer onde é que eu estou.
    José- Chefe, hoje é terça-feira, por outras palavras, hoje é o terceiro dia de descanso, respeite o meu dia de descanso, se faz favor. .
    Quarta-feira- A minha mãe pergunta-me se vou trabalhar hoje.
    José- Mãe, hoje é o quarto dia de descanso, nem penses ir ao trabalho.
    Quinta-feira- Tenho que lavar a loiça- Estou-me nas tintas para a loiça. Hoje é dia de descanso e de curtir.
    Sexta-feira- Hoje é o meu último dia de descanso
    Sábado- Hoje tenho que trabalhar até a segunda – feira
    Domingo- Hoje, não dormi nada
    Chefe- Zé menos conversas, e mais trabalho.
    José- Estou bué cansado-
    Amanha descansas. Na minha empresa trabalha-se 48 horas sem descanso.
    De segunda a sexta-feira descansa-se. Do sábado 00:00 até o domingo 23:59 trabalha-se.
    Só podes deixar o escritório a meia-noite.

  4. I learned a different history. That the days corresponded with different markets. So The fact that it corresponds with days of rest is surprising but it makes much more sense to me. Thank you

  5. Estimabel professora :
    Eu son un espanhol da Andaluzia que nos continos viagems ao Portugal (ao menos um ao ano) e grazas a que eu son de cheio un apaixonado da Galiza sempre fixen por falar cos os moradores ou bem de Portugal ou de Galiza na súa lingua. Se ao fin eu poidera desenvolverme en Galego,¿en que grau o capacidade eu estaria para atingir un ótimo nível en português?

    1. Ignacio, el gallego es un idioma que se asemeja mucho al portugués. Sin embargo no es suficiente para comunicarte. Si ya sabes gallego, se te hará sencillo entender a un portugués hasta cierto grado. Me temo que tienes que aprender el idioma por completo. Obviamente que la comprensión oral y la escrita te resultará bastante más fácil que alguien que tenga el inglés como lengua materna. Si estudias mucho, quizás logres hablar portugués fluentemente en menos de 6 meses.

  6. If you need someone to proof your English, let me know. I’m an English teacher and I have seen 2 mistakes by 5:03 in the video. Otherwise, it’s very nice to watch and listen to your clips. 🙂

    1. I think the correct sentence should be “ The meeting will be scheduled for next Thursday “. However she is talking about a past event, and not a future event. How about this one ?“ The meeting has been scheduled for next week”.

    2. @European Portuguese with José In fact, the problem here is simply that Thursday is written “Thrusday”. The tense depends on context, so “has been” could be correct instead but “was” seems fine. 😉

    3. @Patrick Hobbs Lol, you are very attentive. That was a careless mistake. I didn’t notice that. You focus on details. That is a sign of high intelligence.

    4. @Patrick Hobbs that’s ok, but thanks for your offer 🙂 I’m glad you enjoy our videos 👍🏽

  7. Thanks so much for this! If you haven’t already, I would LOVE a video to help with the dropping of vowels in the words. I struggle with that mightily.

  8. Carla, tens Twitter? Eu nao te posso seguir no Instagram, pois nao tenho conta de Instagram.

  9. Every video of yours i watch twice, first i just watch you interact with me mostly with your eyes , then i try to learn but it is so hard to concentrate . I Love You. keep up the good work. <3 You are the best.

    1. Obrigada, Arif! It’s important you concentrate, so if you watch them twice start with learning first 👍🏽

      Thanks again 💜

  10. Thank you so much. Very clear and comprehensive. May I please know which video I should start with as a beginner, I mean as a first timer learning Portuguese

  11. I live for the history lessons at the end. I never forget the words after listening! Love these videos and your podcasts so much!

  12. I got your Resources PDF and have been listening to a number of your You Tube videos and will be going to Portugal for two weeks on August 8. I’m e-mailing you with this question but also wanted to know: What would be my best preparation for a tourist? I’m scouting the country out to see if I would want to retire there. Thanks if you have time to answer this.

    1. Olá, John 👋🏽 I know Marlon replied to your email. So I hope our YouTube content has helped you prepare for your visit to Portugal. Have a great time 😊

  13. I need to ask… What are you?
    I believe one of your parents is from Angola, the other one maybe from Portugal.
    But you have no portugueses accent when you speak English.
    Actually you sound so British.
    So, you you mind helping me on killing my curiosity?
    Note aside, you’re gorgeous 🤤

    1. @Portuguese With Carla oki doki.. Well that explained a lot indeed.
      Fair play to u guys to have picked the British accent.
      It kinda helps going to the UK (England) at a young age.
      Funny enough your husby doesn’t look like a portuguese chap, at least not an Alentejano.

      What a mix of culture for your kiddos :
      Moçambique, Angola, Lisbon, Baixo Alentejo, Madeira, England…

  14. absolutely love your presentations….my goodness you have a lovely smile too….I’m learning fast with you coach

    1. Thanks, Baya 😊 for most people it’s not easy to learn a new language and sometimes it’s hard to keep motivated, so we try to make it fun and engaging! Obrigada ☺️

  15. LOL! I can see why it is that I’ve been studying Portuguese for over a year and never encountered the “days of the week.” LOL

  16. Just Found your videos! So extremely helpful! Thanks 😊. Can’t wait for you try the Journey videos. Looks amazing 👏

    1. That’s great to know, thanks Lyv 🤗 we hope you enjoy The Journey! Our approach is a little different, but give it a try and see if it suits you – first week is a free trial, so nothing to lose 😀

    1. Marlon and I are not in Portugal, so we’ll have to pass on that invitation. Thank you, though. We hope you have a great time there!

  17. This was great! I find that knowing the derivation of words really helps me with vocabulary! Obrigada!

  18. Trying to learn Portuguese as I love going there for trips it’s similar to gallego but the acentos are a mixture of Spanish French .. love your explanations so easy to follow . Saludos de españa

    1. De nada, Hosen ☺️ just make sure to get daily exposure to the language and speak it every time you have the chance to do so 👌🏽

  19. seguna=duşem

    I found this very similar to my native language Kurdish
    du mean two its like second in segundo and its like it goes same way
    for Sunday we say yekşem yek=1
    and in Portugese these days seems like
    segundo =2
    sexta=6 infact we say şeş for 6

    and there are many more word similarity between Kurmanckî (zazaki ) dialect of Kurdish and Portugese

    1. How interesting! Thanks for sharing that 😀
      Yes, in fact the abbreviations for the weekdays are basically the ordinals numbers. Normal numbers accompanied by a small horizontal line with a little “o” or “a” on top.
      There is one exception though, third = terceiro/a and Tuesday = terça

      But the “normal” or cardinal numbers would be:
      2 – dois/duas
      3 – três
      4 – quatro
      5 – cinco
      6 – seis (incredible similar to șeș!)

    1. Muito obrigada, Alexandra 😊 eu já estou a aprender romeno há 4 anos – tem algumas semelhanças com o português, mas também algumas diferenças! 😄

    2. @Portuguese With Carla eu quero muito estudar lingua portuguesa, porque agora estou numa escola onde estudamos português. No sábado irei à olimpíada de português.

  20. Days of the week in Portuguese have Catholic names instead of Pagan ones as usual for Romance languages. The names of weekdays refer to days-off on either Holy Week or Easter Week (whichever is correct) that at least used to apply in Portugal (and probably still do). I guess the reason Saturday is still called “the Sabbath” and Sunday is still called “the Day of the Lord” in Portuguese is that those names wouldn’t seem to violate Catholicism.

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