
Start Learning European Portuguese – Free 30-Day Plan

Many people try to learn Portuguese online. After all, an online course can be cheaper and more convenient than the alternatives. It also allows them to learn at their own pace. Besides, it’s easy to find a variety of popular courses and programs from well-known language schools with a simple Google search.

Yet, some of these classes are overwhelming and focus too much on Portuguese grammar. Others advance slowly and encourage you to think and speak English, hindering your progress. Like so many language learners, you might end up frustrated. You have wasted time and money to obtain significant language knowledge but never learned to use it.

Have you enrolled in numerous language courses and still don’t speak fluent Portuguese? Or are you considering learning European Portuguese but don’t know where to start? 

This post will cover everything you must know about our 30-day European Portuguese free course. This downloadable self-study resource will help you Learn Portuguese in 30 Days like you never thought possible!

Why 30 days?

There is no science behind a 30-day deadline. It’s as good as any other period. Still, a month is a tangible goal. It marks a balance between an over-pressuring finish line and one that becomes disheartening for being so far out in the future.

Additionally, a study showed it takes an average of 66 days to embed a new habit into your routine. Hence, if you stick with learning Portuguese for 30 days, you’ll already be about halfway through. 

Start Learning European Portuguese - Free 30-Day Plan 1

Is it Possible to Learn European Portuguese in 30 Days?

The short answer is yes, you can learn Portuguese in 30 days. Of course, you should maintain realistic expectations. You won’t finish our free course speaking like native Portuguese speakers. You also won’t be able to approach more complex topics.

Forget discussing the effects of robots in Medicine or how Buro Happold engineered the Museum of the Future in Dubai. This program is for beginners and intermediate learners who want to practice Portuguese.

When you reach the end of these 30 days, you will understand the basics of European Portuguese. You will identify accents spoken in Portugal and other Portuguese-speaking countries in the world. More importantly, you will know how to maintain uncomplicated yet valuable conversations.

What Can You Expect? 

We have developed this course as a simple introduction to Portuguese from Portugal. It includes everything you need, with insightful articles, videos, and fun activities. There are no catches or premium features you need to buy on the side. The program also introduces you to Portuguese culture.

You can access all your daily tasks after downloading your plan using the link at the end of this article. We have three available file formats accessible from desktop or mobile devices. You will find three types of tasks:


Learning resources appear every day on your task list. They are podcast episodes and videos from our Youtube channel. With them, you’ll learn the meaning and pronunciation of individual words.

You will approach various categories, from colors to idiomatic expressions, numbers, and greetings. These lessons aim to help you understand why things are said in a specific way, teach common verbs, and how you can use them.


exposure to european portuguese

In this category, you will find videos of real-life situations and cultural and historical facts. You will also explore some Portuguese music and watch a popular soap opera. These lessons will help you improve listening comprehension in a multitude of scenarios. They will prepare you to speak with native speakers who pronounce words at normal speed.

You have probably heard that exposure is critical for learning languages. Through it, you will get used to listening to different Portuguese accents and improve your pronunciation. It will strengthen your knowledge and your motivation as you learn the language.


Sometimes, you will see tasks marked as tips. We’ve included a panoply of valuable suggestions in our free online course. The plan has insightful articles from our blog and videos with advice to help you make Portuguese from Portugal your own language.

Learning Portuguese is not about knowing all the grammar rules, memorizing every word, or acing an online program. It’s about living the language and loving it. Our lessons introduce the tips you need when they are the most useful to you.

Extra Tricks to Learn European Portuguese

Be Mindful of Brazilian Portuguese Content

Portuguese from Portugal and Brazilian Portuguese are very different branches of the same tree. There are many expressions with distinct or opposite meanings and changes in pronunciation. If you are learning European Portuguese, be aware of content focused on how to learn Brazilian Portuguese.

Tell The World You’re Learning Portuguese

Playing with accountability is a great way to increase your focus and motivation as you learn and practice Portuguese. Share your decision with your friends and family on your Facebook page, Instagram, or website. Then, update it regularly.

Documenting your progress helps you track how far you have come and what you still need to improve. Your posts might also encourage others to join you on your journey.

start speaking european portuguese

Speak Portuguese From Day 1 

Speaking is essential when learning a language, and you should make it a point to start from day 1. In reality, if you focus too much on exposure by solely listening or watching content in Portuguese, you’ll be sabotaging yourself.

On the contrary, you will grow much more if you are determined to speak Portuguese from the moment you start learning. We record our Podcasts so you can follow along and learn how to communicate like native speakers. You can search for Portuguese people in your area or join online language forums to practice speaking.

You might feel nervous about reaching out to others when you start speaking. But you don’t need to feel embarrassed of your pronunciation or any other mistakes you might make because:

  1. You are still learning Portuguese from Portugal.
  2. No one needs a perfect accent to communicate in another language.
  3. Regardless of their native language, nobody speaks perfectly all the time.
write a vocabulary notebook for european portuguese

Write A Vocabulary Book 

Words are at the core of all languages, so keeping a Vocabulary Notebook is one of the best learner tricks. You can compose word lists and register example sentences in written and spoken forms. If there is an aspect you struggle with particularly, such as a specific verb tense or word family, note it there.

You might already have a vocabulary notebook if you have learned other Romance languages, like Spanish. You can use it to document common words from your new language, European Portuguese. Doing so will help you connect the two and ease the learning process. When you start speaking European Portuguese, carry your notebook with you.

Have Fun While You Learn Portuguese

If you have had foreign language group classes before, you might feel that fun and study don’t belong together. Nonetheless, Science has demonstrated the contrary.

Having fun is a vital part of any learning process. It increases joy and creates memorable moments that help students of all ages retain information. These facts don’t alter when the topic is Portuguese language learning.

Some Tips For Fun Learning Lessons:

If you’re learning European Portuguese, try to make it as fun as possible. Here are some tips:

  • Hear Portuguese songs often and try to sing along
  • Watch movies and shows in Portuguese from Portugal with subtitles
  • Play board games, like Scrabble, to extend your vocabulary
  • Print and cook recipes written in European Portuguese
  • Find a language-learning buddy
  • Plan a trip to Portugal in Portuguese
  • Speak to all and any Portuguese person wherever you go

A Wrap-Up on The 30-Day Free Plan for Learning European Portuguese

There are numerous reasons you should start learning European Portuguese online. Plus, now you know how to study the basics of this beautiful language with our 30-day free course.

You won’t learn to recite phrases word for word or memorize boring grammar rules. Instead, you will have the tools necessary to start and maintain productive conversations. Use this link to download your free plan from our website and start today!

Your Next Steps – Welcome to How to Learn European Portuguese: Free Edition

Can you imagine? You might find yourself having a conversation with a Portuguese native next month! How amazing would that be?

For this free course to work, you must be willing to put in some time and effort. Complete each daily task, follow the lessons attentively, and apply our improvement tips. As you learn European Portuguese for 30 days, let us know about your progress in the comments below!

For the last decade, we’ve been working on putting together the best possible European Portuguese course. After much research, feedback from our students, and several iterations, we think we’ve got it! 😉

At the base of it all is a sound conviction that languages are better learned instinctively, so the process needs to be engaging, varied, and enjoyable. Throughout, we used scientifically proven techniques to help you master pronunciation, phrase construction, oral understanding, grammar, and all the necessary bits to get you to fluency. And still, the whole thing is presented as an adventure. It’s a course like no other. Click the button below to see for yourself!

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