Brazilian and European Portuguese are similar but have differences in pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar
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Portuguese Language Pronunciation – Part 2: The Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid

Portuguese is a beautiful Romance language spoken by millions worldwide. Nevertheless, it presents unique challenges for learners, especially regarding pronunciation. What are the most common mistakes European Portuguese students make? How can you avoid them and enhance your diction? Phonetic transcription can help you understand native-like pronunciation better. It provides a visual representation of how…

Chapter in Textbook
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How to Master European Portuguese Pronunciation – Part 1

Mastering Portuguese pronunciation is a crucial aspect of language learning. It facilitates clear communication and shows respect for the language and culture. Still, developing a new and intelligible accent in a foreign language is challenging, especially if you are learning it as an adult. You can learn Portuguese and master its pronunciation, but you need…

Start learning European Portuguese
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The Ultimate Guide to Improving Your Portuguese Reading Skills (Part 1)

Most language learners do not immediately turn to reading as a way to improve their language skills. After all, reading in a language that is not your mother tongue is difficult. Moreover, with the rise of technology, good old-fashioned reading is becoming less popular. During the pandemic, reading statistics improved considerably. However, Statista released a…

Expanding your European Portuguese vocabulary is about learning and using new words
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How to Improve Your European Portuguese Vocabulary Quickly and Effectively

Sooner or later, most language learners wonder how they can improve their vocabulary. For example, a quick search for “Portuguese vocabulary” brings you dozens of results for word lists with their English translations.  But does reading word lists over and over again really help you memorize new words? Isn’t there a better, faster way to…

Listening to music expands your vocabulary in your target language
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Tune Into Fluency: Learn Language Through Music

Music is an art and a powerful tool. It affects people’s moods, triggers emotions, and sometimes shapes their behaviors. Most of us resort to our favorite tunes for an energy boost or to wind down after a stressful day. Governments try to inspire a sense of national identity and pride through national anthems. Businesses use…

Do Portuguese pronounce the vowel/letter “O” at the end of words??

Do Portuguese pronounce the vowel/letter “O” at the end of words??

LEARN TO PRONOUNCE LIKE NATIVE: ___ In this video I will answer one of the most common questions I get from my students: do the portuguese pronounce the vowel/letter “O” at the end of words? Ready to become fluent in European Portuguese? For the last decade, we’ve been working on putting together the best…

How to pronounce the “R” in European Portuguese

How to pronounce the “R” in European Portuguese

The 2 (or even 3!) sounds of the letter R in European Portuguese are likely the most challenging ones to master. Let’s see if I can help. 🙂 Start your journey into European Portuguese Fluency: Ready to become fluent in European Portuguese? For the last decade, we’ve been working on putting together the best…

Lesson 1 (Series 2) – The Interview Gone Wrong
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Lesson 1 (Series 2) – The Interview Gone Wrong

Well, we’re back with a new series of European Portuguese lessons. We’ve been working on these new episodes for a few months now and it has taken us longer than anticipated, but we’re very happy with the result so far and we hope you will be too. There are a few changes you will notice…

Lesson 50 – Portuguese with Carla
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Lesson 50 – Portuguese with Carla

We finish this series of Podcasts with a European Portuguese Lesson based on a song by António Zambujo. It’s full of colloquialism and little snippets you can use on day-to-day conversations. So, get ready to sing along. Esperemos que tenham gostado dos podcasts até agora! More content will be coming very soon. Stay tuned! Obrigado…