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When in Portugal: Quotes For Your Favorite Vacation Photos

Portugal is one of the most popular summer destinations in Europe. It is a gorgeous country with everything you could want, from tasty food to incredible landscapes. Think of Lisbon’s charming cobblestone streets or the picturesque Algarve coast. No matter where you go, Portugal has countless photogenic backdrops to showcase vacation memories.

But with so many incredible photos to share, finding the perfect Instagram captions can be a challenge. After all, the last thing you want after a relaxing vacation is to spend hours scrolling and searching for the perfect quote. Well, it is a good thing you do not need to.

Below, discover beautiful, inspiring, romantic, and funny Portugal captions. These phrases will go along with all your favorite vacation photos. You might be exploring historic landmarks, savoring delicacies, or soaking in the local atmosphere. Regardless, these Portugal-inspired expressions will help you capture the essence of your trip. These are your best Portugal quotes for the summer!

The Best Portugal Quotes and Captions For Your Photos

Do you want to go beyond Portuguese quotes and become a fluent European Portuguese speaker? Try The Journey! It is a unique language program that uses science-proven methods to help you learn. Immerse yourself in the local culture and interact naturally with the natives. Try it free for 7 days!

During the Pre-Roman Period the Iberian Peninsula had many different languages
When in Portugal: quotes for your summer trip photos

Here are over 25 Portuguese quotes, divided by themes. All you have to do is choose the ones that best match your photos and post ahead!

About Exploring Portugal

Portugal não é um país pequeno; é uma enorme nação global.
(Portugal is not a small country; it’s a huge global nation.)
– António Costa, former Portuguese Prime Minister

“Tenho dois lugares em que gosto de estar. Portugal é um deles.”
(I’ve got two places I like to be. Portugal is one.)
– Cliff Richard, British singer

The summer in Portugal is warm and sunny
I’ve got two places I like to be. Portugal is one.
– Cliff Richard, British singer

“Se há uma parte da Europa que foi feita pelo mar mais do que outra, Portugal é essa fatia, essa porção, esse cinturão. Portugal foi feito pelo Atlântico.”
(If there is one portion of Europe which was made by the sea more than another, Portugal is that slice, that portion, that belt. Portugal was made by the Atlantic.)
– Hilaire Belloc, British writer

“Portugal tem a luz mais bonita que já experimentei.”
(Portugal has the most beautiful light I have ever experienced.)
– Milos Forman, Czech-American film director, screenwriter, actor, and professor

“Gosto de sonhar com Portugal, e é menos fácil quando se está lá.”
(I like to dream about Portugal, and it’s less easy when you are there.)
– Maria de Medeiros, Portuguese actress, director, and singer

Inspirational Portugal Captions

“Molhado ou seco, o ar de Portugal tem uma felicidade natural, e as pessoas do país deveriam ser tão felizes e prósperas quanto qualquer povo do mundo.”
(Wet or fine, the air of Portugal has a natural happiness in it, and the people of the country should be as happy and prosperous as any people in the world.)
– H.G. Wells, British writer

“Ó mar salgado, quanto do teu sal são lágrimas de Portugal?”
(Oh, salty sea, how much of your salt are tears from Portugal?)
– Fernando Pessoa, Portuguese poet, philosopher, playwright, essayist, translator, advertiser, astrologer, inventor, entrepreneur, commercial correspondent, literary critic, and political commentator.

Take a boat trip to the caves in Portugal
Oh, salty sea, how much of your salt are tears from Portugal?
– Fernando Pessoa

“A minha afeição tem um fundo desconhecido, como a Baía de Portugal.”
(My affection hath an unknown bottom, like the Bay of Portugal.)
– William Shakespeare, British poet, playwright, and actor

“Sei muito bem o que quero e para onde vou”
(I know very well what I want and where I’m going.)
– Antonio de Oliveira Salazar, Portuguese nationalist dictator

“Não preciso de dinheiro, nem de títulos, nem de prestígio. Não preciso de provar nada, só preciso de dar satisfação a mim próprio.”
(I don’t need money, titles, or prestige. I don’t need to prove anything; I only need to satisfy myself.)
– Jose Mourinho, Portuguese football coach

About Portuguese Culture and History

“O que interessa é sentir o Fado. Porque o Fado não se canta, acontece. O Fado sente-se, não se compreende, nem se explica.”
(The only thing that matters is to feel the fado. The fado is not meant to be sung; it simply happens. You feel it, you don’t understand it and you don’t explain it.)
– Amália Rodrigues, Portuguese singer and actress

Graffiti on White Concrete Wall
The only thing that matters is to feel the fado.
– Amália Rodrigues

“Em Portugal, a minha escultura ‘She Changes’ refere-se à história de pesca da cidade, à era do comércio marítimo e das descobertas.”
(In Portugal, my sculpture ‘She Changes’ refers to the town’s fishing history, to the era of seafaring trade and discovery.)
– Janet Echelman, American sculptor

“Portugal tem frutos do mar incríveis, com todos os olhos a olhar para ti.”
(Portugal has amazing seafood with all the eyeballs staring back at you.)
– Annie Wersching, American actress

“Adoro o vinho branco de Portugal mais do que claret, champanhe ou borgonha. Tenho um triste apetite vulgar.”
(I love white Portugal wine better than claret, champagne, or burgundy. I have a sad vulgar appetite.)
– Jonathan Swift, Irish writer, political pamphleteer, poet, and clergyman

“Pessoas da minha geração em Portugal caíram na poção mágica das ideias políticas. O que foi muito engraçado sobre essa revolução é que ela não trouxe riqueza para os portugueses. Mas trouxe linguagem, ideias.”
(People of my generation in Portugal fell into the magic potion of political ideas. What was very funny about this revolution was that it did not bring wealth to the Portuguese. But it brought language and ideas.)
– Maria de Medeiros, Portuguese actress, director, and singer

“Portugal é uma colina alta com uma torre de vigia branca com bandeiras de sinalização. Aparentemente, é habitada por um homem que vive numa longa fila de casas amarelas com telhados vermelhos e povoada por ovelhas que fazem grandes atos de equilíbrio na encosta da colina.”
(Portugal is a high hill with a white watch tower flying signal flags. It is apparently inhabited by one man who lives in a long row of yellow houses with red roofs, and populated by sheep who do grand acts of balancing on the side of the hill.)
– Richard Harding Davis, American journalist and writer

About Portuguese Towns and Locations

Qualquer cidade portuguesa parece o enxoval de uma noiva – algo velho, algo novo, algo emprestado e algo azul.
(Any Portuguese town looks like a bride’s finery – something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue.)
– Mary McCarthy, American novelist, critic and political activist

Lisboa, para mim, é a Lisboa de Pessoa.
(Lisbon, to me, is the Lisbon of Pessoa.)
– Kamand Kojouri, Iranian author, poet, and educator

Sagres é o cabo do mundo.
(Sagres is the Cape of the World.)
– Raúl Brandão, Portuguese military officer, journalist, and writer

Cityscape of Coimbra
Coimbra is a lesson of dream and tradition.
– Amália Rodrigues

Coimbra é uma lição, de sonho e tradição.
(Coimbra is a lesson of dream and tradition.)
– Amália Rodrigues, Portuguese singer and actress

És minha cidade/ Do norte de Portugal,/ Terra de Liberdade/ Sempre nobre e Leal.”
(You are my city/ From the north of Portugal,/ Land of Freedom/ Always noble and Loyal.)
– Pedro Augusto, Portuguese poet

Romantic Portugal

Durante o dia, Lisboa tem uma qualidade teatral ingênua que encanta e cativa, mas à noite é uma cidade de conto de fadas, descendo por terraços iluminados até ao mar, como uma mulher em trajes festivos descendo para encontrar seu amante sombrio.
(By day Lisbon has a naive theatrical quality that enchants and captivates, but by night it is a fairy-tale city, descending over lighted terraces to the sea, like a woman in festive garments going down to meet her dark lover.)
– Erich Maria Remarque, German writer, playwright, and screenwriter

O Português é alegre e doce, como um idioma de passarinhos.”
(Portuguese is cheerful and sweet, like a language of little birds.)
– Paulo Rónai, Hungarian translator, editor, critic, and professor naturalized Brazilian

Portugal apaixonou-se por mim, e eu apaixonei-me por Portugal.
(Portugal fell in love with me, and I fell in love with Portugal.)
– Cristiano Ronaldo, Football player

“Ama-se quem se ama e não quem se quer amar.”
(One loves those who one does love, not those whom one wants to love.)
– Florbela Espanca, Portuguese poet

Que diferença de Lisboa. Não se pode viver numa cidade sem passado.”
(What a difference from Lisbon. One cannot live in a city without a past.)
– Antonio Lobo Antunes, Portuguese writer and psychiatrists 

One cannot live in a city without a past.
– Antonio Lobo Antunes

Idioms You Can Use as Portugal Instagram Captions

Braga reza, o Porto trabalha, Coimbra estuda e Lisboa diverte-se.
(Braga prays, Porto works, Coimbra studies and Lisbon has fun.)

À sombra da bananeira
(Under the shadow of the banana tree)

Partir a Loiça Toda 
(Breaking All The Dishes)

Com cabeça na lua
(With my head in the clouds)

A ver passar navios
(Watching ships go by)

More Portugal Instagram Captions

Portugal is an incredible destination where many Europeans vacation. But what if you want to take it to the next step? Would you like to move to Portugal or spend more time there? Do you want to understand the culture and connect with the locals?

Then, join The Journey, and learn European Portuguese! This unique language program takes you on an adventure through Portuguese lands. You will learn to speak like the natives and explore mainland and island Portugal. Start your free trial today!

For the last decade, we’ve been working on putting together the best possible European Portuguese course. After much research, feedback from our students, and several iterations, we think we’ve got it! 😉

At the base of it all is a sound conviction that languages are better learned instinctively, so the process needs to be engaging, varied, and enjoyable. Throughout, we used scientifically proven techniques to help you master pronunciation, phrase construction, oral understanding, grammar, and all the necessary bits to get you to fluency. And still, the whole thing is presented as an adventure. It’s a course like no other. Click the button below to see for yourself!

Sometimes the best caption is a simple sentence highlighting the image you are posting. In that case, here are twenty-five Portugal Instagram captions you can use for your amazing trip photos.

25 Insta-worthy Captions for Your Vacation Photos

Man Jumping during Sunset on a Beach
The best Portuguese captions for your favorite vacation photos
  1. Portugal é perfeito! (Portugal is picture-perfect!)
  2. Paz, amor e explorar Portugal (Peace, love, and exploring Portugal)
  3. Deixei o meu coração em Portugal (I left my heart in Portugal)
  4. Segui o meu coração e ele levou-me a Portugal (I followed my heart and it led me to Portugal)
  5. Viagem a Lisboa! (Lisbon Voyage!)
  6. Portugal – onde cada pôr do sol parece uma celebração e cada vista é um presente! (Portugal – where every sunset feels like a celebration and every view is a gift!)
  7. Encantado pelos azulejos de Lisboa (Charmed by Lisbon’s tiles)
  8. Saboreando um delicioso bacalhau à Brás (Tasting a delicious bacalhau à Brás)
  9. Passeio de barco pelo rio Douro (Boat ride on the Douro River)
  10. Magia nas ruas de Sintra (Magic in the streets of Sintra)
  11. Pôr do sol inesquecível no Algarve (Unforgettable sunset in the Algarve)
  12. Explorando os vinhedos do Alentejo (Exploring the vineyards of Alentejo)
  13. Maravilhado com a história de Óbidos (Amazed by the history of Óbidos)
  14. Os sabores do mercado do Bolhão (The flavors of the Bolhão market)
  15. A surfar nas ondas de Peniche (Surfing the waves of Peniche)
  16. Fado à noite em Alfama (Fado at night in Alfama)
  17. Quando nada correr bem, faz uma viagem aos Açores (when nothing goes right take a trip to the Azores)
  18. A vida é demasiado curta para não comer dois pastéis de nata de seguida (Life’s too short to not eat two custard tarts in one go)
  19. A correr atrás das ondas e a comer bolas de berlim (Chasing waves and eating berliners)
  20. A viver para os momentos que me tiram o fôlego. (Living for the moments that take my breath away.)
  21. Um dia sem um bom copo de vinho, é um dia perdido. (A day without a good glass of wine is a day wasted.)
  22. A partir deste momento, funciono exclusivamente com vinho verde e marisco. (From this moment on, I exclusively run on vinho verde and seafood.)
  23. Que tal um Porto? (How about a Port?)
  24. O meu segredo para a felicidade? Uma bifana e uma cerveja com vista para o pôr do sol. (My secret to happiness? A bifana and a beer with a sunset view.)
  25. A ver onde me leva a maré. (Seeing where the tide takes me.)

25 One-Word Portuguese Instagram Captions

Sometimes all you want is a single word or a small expression with a lot of meaning. Here are twenty-five Portuguese words you can use to sum up and share your best vacation pictures.

One-word Instagram captions in Portuguese
  1. Saudade (longing)
  2. Melancolia (melancholy)
  3. Nostalgia (nostalgia)
  4. Sonhar (dream)
  5. Beleza (beauty)
  6. Viver (live)
  7. Sem palavras (speechless)
  8. Alegria (joy)
  9. Liberdade (Freedom)
  10. Relaxar (relax)
  11. Plenitude (fullness)
  12. Amor (love)
  13. Paz (peace)
  14. Serenidade (serenity)
  15. Fado (fado)
  16. Fixe (cool)
  17. Gratidão (gratitude)
  18. Bacano (awesome)
  19. Sublime (sublime)
  20. Esperança (hope)
  21. Pôr do sol (sunset)
  22. A sorrir (smiling)
  23. Beatitude (beatitude)
  24. Adeus (goodbye)
  25. Encanto (charm)

Your Trip to Portugal: Quotes To Share Everywhere on Social Media

Portugal is a popular summer destination for travelers from around the world. It offers a unique combination of stunning landscapes, rich culture, and delicious food. As you capture unforgettable memories through your vacation photos, add a touch of flair to them. Use quotes in Portuguese and Portugal-related captions.

You might be exploring the charming towns or indulging in the local wines. Regardless, your Portugal adventure will surely leave a lasting impression. What was your favorite Portuguese quote? Share it in the comments below! Do not forget to share this post with your friend who is also vacationing in Portugal this year. Plus, follow us on social media for more inspiring content about Portugal, its culture, and the language that brings the country to life.

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