Top Gestures used by Portuguese People

No, this has nothing to do with Portuguese sign language. πŸ™‚ But linguists argue that only about 30% or so of our real communication is directly through words. The rest is a combination of other linguistic elements such as intonation, pitch, volume, facial and body language.

So a few months back we started gathering what we think are the most commonly used gestures by the Portuguese.


PS: Captioning is available.


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  1. Π‘arla, I have been learning Spanish, English and German watching free video lessons of Alexander. His method of teaching is really effective!!! All his subscribers and followers begin to speak a foreign language from the first lesson! Unfortunately, he doesn’t speak European Portuguese, only Spanish! I’d be very grateful if you start recording video lessons similar to his approach (method) (German)

  2. Thank you for this! I will practice them and surprise my Portuguese teacher with them πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  3. Obrigada! Conheço todos os gestos mas uso pouco porque na minha cultura não é tão habitualmente! Gostei de forma de lição

    1. I once saw a guy in Portugal pull a dude out of his car yelling that he was a tourist and throttle him after he cut him off or something so that’s gonna be a pretty intense video.

    1. OlΓ‘ πŸ‘‹πŸ½ if you mean the written text of what we say, you just need to turn them on (if on the phone or tablet on the 3 little vertical dots) πŸ‘πŸ½

  4. Eu comecei a ouvir os podcasts recentemente e, desculpe Marlon, mas imaginei tu com uma cabeça cheia de cabelos soltos!

  5. Anyone on here want to help me learn European portugese. I’m a native English speaker so I can help you with English.

  6. Hey does anyone know the origin of β€œestou nas tintas” ? Alguem sabe que significado ? E tambem nao entendo β€œ canos β€œ ? Does anyone know?

    1. I don’t know the origin of β€œestou-me nas tintas” but it means to not give a damn about something. β€œcanos” are pipes in portuguese, but what Carla said was β€œQ’anos” short for β€œque anos” as in β€œHΓ‘ que anos” which translates to β€œhow many years (ago)”

    1. You can learn our gestures if you visit our country.
      Some good teachers like Carla teaches you some common portuguese gestures.
      1:31 my Grandmother makes this gesture often.

    2. Theyoutuberpolyglot i live in Portugal now and I’m learning Portuguese. I like your videos a lot

    3. Guo Yunjie Muito obrigado. Fico muito feliz/ contente de ler a tua mensagem. O meu nome Γ© JosΓ©.

  7. Tenho estudado portuguΓͺs por 5 anos em Portugal, e este vΓ­deo ajuda-me muito no meu dia a dia. TambΓ©m me ajudar na minha apresentação na aula. Haha! muito obrigada! Curiosamente, vivo em Portugal hΓ‘ 5 anos, mas nΓ£o vi e nΓ£o sei estes gestos

    1. Hello. Let me help you and show you how your post would look like if posted by a portuguese native from Portugal.
      β€œEstudo portuguΓ¨s hΓ‘ cinco anos em Portugal e este video ajudou-me muito no dia a dia. TambΓ©m ajuda-me na minha apresentação nas aulas. Curiosamente vivo em Portugal hΓ‘ jΓ‘ cincos anos mas nunca vi esses gestos.”
      Mind you, your post is not incorrect in a gramatical sense but it’s very stiff in the choice of words, it doesn’t flow as a romance language would naturally fow from a native speaker.
      Like all romance languages, portuguese is centered aroud the verbs, it’s an action language. also, portugues efrom Poetugal doesn’t rely on gerunds a much as brazilian portuguese.
      All that said, your portuguese is really very good and that’s no mean feat for a foreigners. Congratulations, really. Well done and thank you so much for showing such an interest in my natuve language, espacially the Portugal variant of portuguese whichbis by far the lesser learned version. Be well and welcome to my small country.

  8. Love Portugal I even made a video about this beautiful country πŸ’• . Great content though Carla πŸ‘

  9. HA being Portuguese, this is πŸ‘Œ I do have to say, my avΓ³s do some pretty amazing facial expressions as well πŸ˜‚

  10. If you could add some text for what Carla is saying, it would be great! Also, what does it mean when another person is being discussed and the speaker crooks their index finger and pulls a face, like β€œyou know what he is”. But I don’t! Can you explain?

    1. It means they’re petty, malicious or just plain difficult/stubborn. β€œEle Γ© torcido.” (Aka twisted) At least if I’m understanding what you mean.

  11. The one about being scared is the same in Italian haha! From where I come from we say β€œte si cagat sott” when we do that, which means β€œyou sh*t your pants”, so the gesture refers to the excrements in your underwear

    1. Indeed, it is the same gesture, and it has the same meaning, but I believe the gesture itself represents a sphincter contracting… πŸ™‚

  12. Being Portuguese, having been so since 62 actually, I’d like to leave a comment. Dor de cotovelo: not realy used that way, maybe a little overdone; Snob, full of it: nariz empinado, ok, but not very used; I’ve had it: that looks American, never saw it, normally that would be on the top of the head; Eat a nice dish (Γ© de trΓ‘s da orelha): an old one, I’m not sure anybody knows it; Full of it, garganta: well, kind of; Time to go: possible, yes; I don’t care: ok; Excuse me, please (at the restaurant) – yes, possible; Hurry up: more or less, possible; Stealing: ok; Namorisco: ok, in a jokingly manner; That was long ago: possible (never heard of canos, but I can see where it’s coming from – hΓ‘ que anos!); Fearful: ok; Drunk, tipsy: ok; Esperto, smart (de olhΓ£o): ok; Este Γ© irmΓ£o deste (I can see through you): never saw that.

    1. tbm sou portuguesa e o β€œi’ve had it” eu uso quase diariamente (num contexto escolar claroπŸ˜…) e eu e os meus colegas usamos mais no sentido de β€œVou-me matar se isto continua assim/ se isto nΓ£o termina”, o nariz empinado tbm Γ© muito comum na minha Γ‘rea, Γ© de trΓ‘s da orelha conhecia o gesto mas nΓ£o a frase e por a caso tbm Γ© comum entre os meus conhecidos, that was long ago tbm Γ© usado diariamente no meu caso. O ΓΊnico que eu nΓ£o tinha visto era o β€œeste Γ© irmΓ£o deste”
      mas pode ser por nΓ£o ser da minha zona. Parece que nΓ£o mas a parte do paΓ­s tbm altera a frequΓͺncia com que se vΓͺm estes gestos

  13. Funny enough, in Brazilian Portuguese some of these gestures have different meanings. For instance: the gesture you showed for β€œI don’t care” actually means β€œI have no clue” in Brazil, in answer to a question; the one for β€œHurry up!” means β€œThis was long ago” or β€œIt takes a long time”; the one for β€œYou’re scared” means β€œIt’s crowded” ; and the one for β€œSmart” means β€œI’m watching you! Beware!”

  14. The washing of hands is the one I noticed most in Portugal. When something goes wrong, nobody takes responsibility for anything.

  15. algumas expressáes não estão bem explicadas até porque podem ter significados diferentes dependendo das situaçáes. good entertaining vid tho

    1. O objetivo deste vΓ­deo Γ© dar aos estudantes da lΓ­ngua portuguesa uma ideia de alguns gestos e algumas situaçáes em que estes podem ser usados. A intenção nΓ£o era criar um vΓ­deo que abrangesse todos os significados em todas as possΓ­veis situaçáes. De qualquer maneira, obrigada pelo seu comentΓ‘rio πŸ™‚

  16. Uma pessoa faz tanto esses gestos no seu dia-a-dia que nΓ£o pensa muito nisso, atΓ© ver esse vΓ­deo! Muito divertido! πŸ˜‚

    1. 😁 obrigada! Demonstra como grande parte da nossa comunicação Γ© gestual πŸ˜€

  17. We have great host on Azores, he did earlobe gesture multiple times as he was explaining where to go, what to eat. I needed to know, if it means, what I thought πŸ˜€

    1. Fantastic πŸ˜„ touch your earlobe when speaking of food and you mean it’s delicious πŸ˜‹

  18. At 3:35, that gesture, in French it’s the gesture equivalent of β€œmon oeil” which is used when we think the person we are speaking to is exaggerating or outright lying.

    1. That’s so interesting how the same gesture can mean different things in different languages/countries – thanks for sharing 😊

    1. OlΓ‘, Mark πŸ‘‹πŸ½ a few years ago we went to SΓ£o Miguel 😊 and last month we visited a few other islands in Azores – they’re all very beautiful 😍

  19. I speak a lot with my hands and i often don’t realise how much i do it. I tend to not do as much gesture speaking when i am abroad especially in a central euroepan, nordic country or in the UK. One never knows if one uses the wrong gesture that in the local culture has a very different, might even insulting meaning.

    1. That’s really nice and thoughtful of you, Carlos, that you refrain from using as many gestures and you’d normally do, so you don’t offend the locals 😊

    2. @Portuguese With Carla i try, i try. Of course it is hard to guess what others might think of us in other countries. But i feel the scottish people have a lot in common with us portuguese.

    3. @Carlos Saraiva I know a few Scottish people, but I’d be interested to know the commonalities you have spotted between the Scottish and the Portuguese 😊

  20. O gesto de roubar rodando os dedos da mΓ£o do mindinho para o polegar tem muito mais HistΓ³ria e Γ© tipicamente portuguΓͺs. Esse gesto e os termos fanar e meter a unha tΓͺm haver com uma moeda de ouro indiana, o FanΓ£o. O FanΓ£o Γ© uma moeda de ouro fraco muito pequenina que os portugueses para as contar usavam tΓ‘buas de 25 e 50 alvΓ©olos. Metiam um monte numa das extremidades da tΓ‘bua e com um movimento parecido com esse retiravam o excesso de fanΓ΅es preenchendo todos os alvΓ©olos e facilitando assim a contagem. O FanΓ£o Γ© tΓ£o pequenino, que quem os contava se tivesse as unhas grandes conseguia roubar moedas prendendo-as entre as unhas. Por isso esse movimento, meter a unha e fanar Γ© tΓ£o portuguΓͺs.

  21. Surpreendeu-me que praticamente todos sΓ£o os mesmos que no Brasil. O β€œestΓ‘ com medo”, porΓ©m, Γ© totalmente diferente. No Brasil, esse gesto significa β€œgrande quantidade”.

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