Lesson 21 – Portuguese With Carla Podcast
Já lá vão vinte e uma!
In lesson 21 we resume João’s unfortunate trip to the Hospital. What do you think the expression “don’t beat the blind man any longer” means in European Portuguese. This and many more (useful I promise) facets of the Portuguese language will be explained in this Podcast.
Portuguese Transcript
M – Senhora enfermeira, vou ficar com isto muito tempo?
E – Tudo depende de si. Se repousar bastante a perna, podemos tirar o gesso dentro de 2 meses, mais ou menos.
M – 2 meses??!! E quanto tempo até eu poder jogar futebol?
E – Isso já vai demorar mais tempo. Talvez uns 4 meses até poder correr à vontade, mas por enquanto tem de descansar.
M – E quanto tempo vou ficar de muletas?
E – Olhe não sei, isso depende. Se não se esticar muito, talvez 12 semanas ou assim. Agora, não pode é fazer muito esforço. Tem de repousar, percebeu?
M – Pronto, pronto, não bata mais no ceguinho.
E – Já está despachado. Tem canadianas?
M – Não. Quanto custam?
E – Aqui no hospital não vendemos, mas no funchal talvez encontre por 25 euros, mais coisa menos coisa.
M – Muito obrigado senhora enfermeira, um bom dia para si.
E – Não tem de quê. E não se esqueça, repouso!
Really enjoying the podcasts… São ótimo! I know I’m on a fairly old one here but I’m working my way through from the start.
I’m just wondering, I had been lead to think that “bastante” meant quite/fairly/pretty, but you’ve used it to mean “a lot” here. In English we could say that something is “pretty big” when we really mean very big, but I suppose that would be sarcasm or something. We would have to say it in a particular way.
Is bastante similar in portuguese? how would you tell the difference between it be used for “fairly” vs “a lot”.
Obrigadinho pela sua ajuda
(I hope that was right)
Olá Liam 🙂
Boa pergunta! ‘Bastante’ translates into all those words you said and more, including ‘a lot’- very versatile word 😅 The meaning depends on what’s being said and the feeling behind it, I’d say.
Example: o teu filho é bastante alto para a idade dele! This, I would say, could be translated several ways into English: your son is RATHER tall for his age; your son is FAIRLY tall for his age; your son is VERY tall for his age; your son is PRETTY tall for his age. Maybe an English native speaker will say there are subtle differences in meaning with each one of those above, but to me they mean pretty much the same.
Another example: eu gosto bastante do meu trabalho. This means, I like my job A LOT.
And one final one: Já gastaste bastante dinheiro, esta semana. This means, you’ve already spent ENOUGH this week.
Maybe this webpage may help you a little more with the word ‘bastante’: https://www.linguee.pt/portugues-ingles/search?source=auto&query=bastante&cw=296
Pelo menos tem sido bastante útil para mim (at least it has been pretty/rather/quite/very useful to me) 😉
Obrigada pelo seu comentário bastante positivo em relação aos nossos podcasts!
Carla 🙂
Sim senhora! Obrigadinho pela sua ajuda. Foi BASTANTE útil! 😉
By the way, I was pleasantly surprised to see you’re based in Lincoln. I grew up there!
De nada! 😉
What a lovely coincidence! 🙂
Thank you again.. great fun.. I’m learning a lot from you two 😊
The English word for repousar is repose I think!